If the rest of this site hasn't sufficiently hinted - I am a regular speaker at conferences around the world. I love public speaking and, thankfully it is one of my (not so secret) skills.
I deliver engaging keynotes on a range of topics, but primarily marketing and business strategy.
Recent topics include:
Ripping up the brand rule book - it's time to evolve
Marketing mass participation events with more impact
Sponsoring non-core sports can be more effective than football (and cheaper!)
The forgotten audience – engaging employees through brand
The rights and wrongs of brand and sponsorship measurement
My mistakes and what I learnt
The importance of fanship and how brands can maximise it
Win-Win; the power of partnerships
Measuring the value of charitable partnerships
Leadership of volunteers - no carrot, no stick
Implementing change - a hearts and minds approach
Senior Leadership as a volunteer - my story as a Trustee, NED and Governor